Elmer Bruce Home
Elmer Bruce Home
Bruce Kelly in front of the Deford Hardware Store
Bruce Street looking west and Old Dorathy Hotel and train depot
Bruce Street looking East
Cheese and Condensed Milk Factory
Corner of Main and Railroad Streets looking North toward Depot and Elevator
Deford General Store
Deford Post Office and Store 1910
Gage Blacksmith
Kilbourn Texaco Service Station 1948
Corner of Kingston and Deckerville Roads looking West
Market Center Deford-Bank, Elevator and Lumber sheds 1912
Methodist Church
Methodist Church built in 1899-Novesta School #4 in background
Northwest corner of Bruce Street looking East from Railroad Depot
Old Schoolhouse
Pontiac , Oxford and Northern Railroad Depot
Quick Union Sunday School
Railroad crossing and Deford Hotel
Corner of Bruce and Cedar Streets looking East 1907
South side of Bruce Street looking East from Spencer Street 1907
Deford Hardware Store-Wm. Balch Owner
Deford Hardware Store-William Balch and daughter Gladys pictured approx. 1911